You will go through Textbook Questions And Answers Of CBSE Board Class 5 SING A SONG OF PEOPLE Unit 9 Chapter 1. Understanding a text’s entirety is very important for a learner to score better in the exam. Efforts have been made to ensure a thorough and proper Textbook Questions And Answers Of CBSE Board Class 5 SING A SONG OF PEOPLE Unit 9 Chapter 1.

1. Which modes of transport do the people use to move around in the city?
- Around there, people use vehicles, taxis, transports, trains, cable cars, carts, and so on to move around.
2. What are the things that the people carry with them, while moving around?
- While moving around, people convey sacks, attachés, bags, and so on.
3. Where all do you find these very busy people?
- We discover occupied people on the walkway, metro, tall structures, and riding elevators.
4. Where have you seen crowds of people?
- I track down all these busy people on streets, on transport stops, on walkways, on the lookout, and so on.
5. Why do you think all these people are in a hurry?
- Since they need to do numerous things, and they need to go significant distances.
Language Use
Let’s write the opposites of the following words.
- Slow -Fast
- Up – Down
- Back – Front
- Tall – Short
- Below-Above
- Crowd- Alone
- Loud-Silent
- Go – Come
Read and listen to these two poems with your partner and find out what are the things that the village child and the city child like.
The Village Child My home is a house Near a wood I’d live in a street If I could! I do wish someone Lived near. There’s no one to play with At all. The trees are so high And so tall: And I should be lonely For hours, Were it not for the birds And the flowers. | The City Child I live in a city In a street; It is crowded with traffic And feet; There are buses and motors And trams. I wish there were meadows And lambs. The houses all wait In a row There is smoke everywhere That I go. I don’t like the noises I hear I wish there were woods Very near. |
The people who live in cities often wish they could live in quiet towns. Do you like the place you live in? Tell your partner two things you like and don’t like about the place you live in.
- Answer – This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
I live in Raiganj. It is a little city yet amazingly charming. Life is exceptionally delayed here. I like its effortlessness and greenery. Notwithstanding, I don’t care for the streets since they are not appropriately developed and there is just one shopping center here.
1. Did you observe that in the poem, the last words in every second and fourth line rhyme with each other? Can you write a four line poem?
- Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
2. Find out how many people are there in our country. Do we have enough land for all people on this earth? Is there enough food and water for all people?
- The number of inhabitants in India is 1.237 billion. I don’t think we have sufficient land for all individuals on this planet.
No, there isn’t sufficient food and water for all individuals.
3. Find out the following from ten families living in your neighborhood.
Count the number of F1* F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Total |
children below 5 years of age |
children from 5-14 years |
grown up children from 15-20 |
elders from 21-50 years |
old people who are above 50 years |
total number of people in the family |
*F = Family
(i) How many members are educated in each family? (ii) From amongst the ten families, how many are educated? Now talk to your partner and then write a report about your neighborhood.
- Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
1. Interview your teacher and get her responses for the following questions.
(i) Why did you become a teacher?
- I transformed into a teacher since educating is my fixation.
(ii) How do you come to school everyday?
- I come to class in my vehicle everyday.
(iii) Do you have any pets?
- No I don’t have any pets.
(iv) What kinds of books do you like to read?
- I like to read fiction stories and comedy stories
(v) What are your hobbies?
- I like to examine and make short stories.
2. Now write a paragraph about your teacher with the information you have gathered.
My Teacher
My teacher says she became a teacher since educating is her fixation. She comes to class in my vehicle everyday. No, she doesn’t have any pets. She likes to read fiction stories and comedy stories. She likes to examine and make short stories
Use the above map to answer the questions.
1. What does the dotted line on the map show?
2. What road would Ajay take to get to the boat club?
3. What building is next to the picnic area?
4. What road passes by Ajay’s house?
5. What other way could Ajay use to get from his house to his grandmother’s house?
Now write : Use verbs like: go, turn, cross
Use prepositions like: across, between, in front of, beside, near, behind and write how you get home from school.
- Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
Do you like to float paper boats? Listen to the poem given below.
Day by Day I Float My Paper Boats
Day by day I float my paper boats
one by one down the running stream.
In big black letters I write my name on them
and the name of the village where I live.
I hope that someone in some strange
land will find them and know who I am.
I load my little boats with shiuli flowers from our garden,
And hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried safely
to land in the night.
(i) Discuss with your partner how you would send a similar message to someone.
(ii) Also find out how people sent messages in olden days and how they send them nowadays.
- Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
1. See the picture Travel Time below. Answer the questions that follow.
(i) Where did you go for an excursion/holiday?
- Sikkim
(ii) With whom did you go?
- I went with my mother, father, and brother.
( iii) What did you take with you?
- I took Shoes, shirts, dress pants, sweaters, and caps, etc with me.
(iv) What was the first thing you saw when you reached your destination?
- The first thing I saw was the total area is filled with snow and surrounded by snowy hills.
(v) What did you like best about the place?
- I liked the snowy view of that place. The hotel in which we stayed and the chocolate shake.
(vi) How long did you stay there?
- I stayed there for two days and three nights.
(vii) What did you miss about home?
- I missed the food made by my mother, missed my toys and storybooks.
2. Make sentences using any two new words which you have learnt in the lesson.
Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences
3. Which do you think would be more fun — travelling by aeroplane or sailing on a ship? Write why you think so.
Ans- Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences
4. Look at the following words. They are group names.
troop of soldiers
swarm of bees
team of players
litter of puppies
Fill in the blanks choosing from group words from the box
clump cluster choir bunch flock band |
(i) The travellers rested under the clump of trees.
(ii) The choir sang beautifully.
(iii) The bunch of flowers was lying on the table.
(iv) The girl looked up at the cluster of stars.
(v) The band of robbers escaped.
(vi) The hunter shot at the flock of birds
5. Some words describe actions. Many of them end in -ly .
The girl danced beautifully.
Fill in the blanks by changing the word in the brackets suitably.
- The girl slept [sound]
- The children finished their work [quick].
- The old man shouted [loud]
- The boys played [quiet]
- Do your work.[neat]
- I can do the sum. [easy]
- The girl slept soundlessly.
- The children finished their work quickly.
- The old man shouted loudly.
- The boys played quietly.
- Do your work neatly.
- I can do the sum easily.
1. Which country would you like to visit when you grow up?
Make a project by drawing or pasting.
(i) a map of that country, its national flag
(ii) stamps of the country, its currency
(iii) some famous monuments or landmarks
Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences
2. Do you know that there are seven wonders in the world? Can you tell the name of the one which is in India? Find out and write the names of all the seven wonders and the countries they are located in.
Wonders of the world | Countries |
1. The Taj Mahal | Agra, India |
2. The Great Wall of China | China |
3. Colosseum | Rome, Italy |
4. Great Pyramid of Giza | Egypt |
5. Christ the Redeemer | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
6. Chichen Itza | Yucatan, Mexico |
7. Petra | Ma’an Governorate Jordan |
When an e is added to some words, the words change along with their sounds and meanings.
cap mat pin not
cape mate pine note
kit sit fin hat
kite site fine hate
cut bit quit din
A Little Bit of Nonsense
There was an old Man with a beard
Who said, ‘‘It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!